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iAiB iCiD iEiF iGiH iIiJ iKiL iMiN iOiP iQiR iSiT iUiV iWiX iYiZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MEGHA MISS imli +oval 30
MILAN ALBELI imli +girl 30
PRIKA imli dana +cartoon 30
SAMRAT SALIM imli +cartoons 30
SANGINA imli 30
TARUN imli +face 30
TARUN imli khata mitha +man 30
VASU BHAI imli LAL imli 30
VASU BHAI imli LAL imli 30
imm +square 35
BLUESKY immigration 41
COSMIC immigration +oval 42
INDUS immigration consultan 42
IOG IELTS & immigration 39
WISA world immigration stud 39
LE CHATTELS immitating 20
BAJRANG immitation jeweller 14
CHANDNI immitation jeweller 14
DHARIT immitation jewellery 14
GREEN immitation jewellery 14
MITVA immitation jewellery 14
PARMAR immitation jewellery 14
PERI immitation jewellery 14
RAHI immitation jewellery 14
UIJ immitation jewellary 14
VIMAL immitation jewellery 14
IPSA immovable property 45
immun-QR 5
NUTRA-immune 31
total immune management 1, 3, 5, 29, 30, 42
immuno LIFE 5
immuno-MOD 5
NEYSA immuno booster NIXON 5
STANGEN immunodiagnostics s 1, 5
igg immunoglobulin +circle 16
BIOCHEM immunosystems 10
impact india-LIFELINE EXPRE 42
ASTRAL AQUATEK high impact 19
AVON 360 impact 3
CLINIQUE high impact 3
IFCO impact +globe 8
JOB STREET impact 16
JOBSTREET impact 9
RED CHIEF deo double impact 3
imperial FALCON 32
imperial brown 19
imperial fine stationery 16
imperial gold 19
imperial number 1 +stripes 34
ABDULLA imperial +lions 34
CAREW'S imperial +lion 33
CAREW'S imperial fine +lion 33
CAREW'S imperial whisky 33
CUSSONS imperial leather 3
CZARNOFF imperial vodka 33
FLORSHEIM imperial 25
I imperial +butterflies arc 37
MAGICO imperial +ovals 3, 9, 14, 18, 25
RHIZOME'S imperial gold 33
SI imperial specials 34
SOLAN imperial delux 33
new imperial red 19
t original imperium +circle 12
EASTMAN impex 6, 8, 12
HIGHLAND global impex +map 30
K.S. OSWAL knitting impex 25
MAA KRUPA impex 7
ORIENTAL impex +globe 19
SNJ impex 35
WONG impex +triangles squar 35
ei EASTMAN impex 21
t topmatic impex +tree 10
TURBO impl 6
ASTRA implant system 5, 10
MARUDHAR implant & laser 44
CENTERPULSE implanting trus 10
DII dental implants india 10
YOGESHWAR implants Y +cross 10
import WORLD 21
AS DAQUEI import export 18, 24, 25, 30, 35
EIW export import workshop 41
OLLO import-export +oval 7
SANA import & exports +arcs 35
VNS import specialist 16
ARROW imported furniture 20
D DOMEIN imported furniture 20
EON imported furniture 20
GIC imported components 7
JPC imported 3
KISAN imported +oval 21
LAPREE imported furniture 20
ROYAL imported furniture 20
SENTIN imported furniture 20
MALUSARE importer & exporte 35
PIER 1 imports 20, 21, 35
ROCKY imports & exports 35
SAGITTARIUS imports 12
NEI-WHAT'S impossible ?? 9
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